FAQ’s and Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions

The Monavale PipeBurner has been designed to enable ease of lighting of external wood fires. The Monavale PipeBurner is designed for use with LPG gas and is supplied with all components required to attach to a standard Australian gas bottle. In the case of an outdoor fire the Monavale PipeBurner is operated by inserting the pipe burner tube into the woodpile and squeezing the Gas Flow Lever to enable wood lighting activity. The tool heats up the wood to start a fire within 5-10 minutes(ie dependent on wood type and wood thickness). The tool is then removed from the fire and located in an outdoor well-ventilated area, out of the reach of children.

Gas connection

The appliance is designed for Propane LPG only. Bottle sizes recommended are 2.5 kg, 4.5 kg or 9 kg. You must use the supplied hose in order for the appliance to operate safely and efficiently. Contact Vision Factory Pty Ltd for replacement.

Connect the hose to the gas bottle by tightening anti-clockwise.

Gas leakage Test: Put some soapy water in a spray bottle. Turn ON the gas bottle with the burner turned OFF. This pressurises the system. Next, spray the entire burner connection points, gas bottle valve and hose assembly with soapy water. Bubbles will form if there is a gas leak and you may also smell the gas. You need to test the entire assembly from the gas bottle valve all the way to where the gas hose attaches to the burner. Test before each use.

Clearance from walls and ceilings

The appliance must only be used away from flammable materials, (other than the intended use of starting a fire) keep the gas burner at least 1 metre away from any rear, sidewalls, ceilings, floors.

Remove the packaging and transit material before use.

Not suitable for marine environments, or windy conditions.

Do not touch any part of the burner be cautious against obstructing any combustion air openings or burner ports.


Check that seals between the appliance and the gas cylinder are in place and in good condition before connecting the gas cylinder. Do not use this appliance if it has damaged or worn seals.

Do not use this appliance if it is leaking, damaged or does not operate properly.

The appliance is to be operated only on a horizontal surface.

Gas cylinders shall be changed in a well-ventilated location, preferably outside away from people and any sources of ignition, such as naked flames, pilot flames, electric heaters/equipment.


The Monavale PipeBurner uses a Deadman Squeeze Valve component that can only be operated by continuous pressure.

To light:

  • Open cylinder valve on LPG bottle.
  • Open Pilot Valve by turning anticlockwise by a 1/4 turn.
  • Open Main Valve by turning anticlockwise by a 1/8 turn.
  • Ignite torch using e.g. gas lighter until the pilot flame is burning.
  • In case of problems with a blowing off of the flame decrease gas flow via Pilot Valve by turning clockwise. Adjust to suitable level of pilot flame flow rate to ensure safe handling.
  • Push monavale pipeburner into wood pile.
  • Squeeze the Gas Flow Lever for starting wood burning process.
  • Keep Gas Flow Lever squeezed until wood burning enough to keep going by itself (ie use Main Valve to adjust flame to suit, turn anticlockwise to increase burn rate, turn clockwise to decrease burn rate).

To turn off:

  • If finished with fire lighting, release the Gas Flow Lever and turn off cylinder valve at LPG bottle. Remove Monavale PipeBurner from fire, close Main Valve (turn clockwise until closed) and Pilot Valve (turn clockwise until closed) and store in a safe place away from children and flammable surfaces.
  • If temporary stoppage required, release Gas Flow Lever, and close Main Valve by turning clockwise, when flame is on Monavale PipeBurner is extinguished pull Monavale PipeBurner out of wood fire.



Keep the Monavale PipeBurner holes and air inlet holes / orifices clean and avoid damaging any sealing surfaces and threads on all joints. If contents get into the pipe burner tube remove pipe end screw, empty foreign dirt objects and replace pipe end screw.

Only use the hose assembly as supplied with this appliance for connection to the cylinder – DO NOT USE ADAPTORS.

Gas leaks

If there is a leak on your appliance (smell of gas), immediately attempt to turn off the cylinder valve. Remove the appliance to a well-ventilated location away from any ignition source. Check for leaks using soapy water. DO NOT try to detect leaks using a flame.


Annual service by an authorised person is recommended, or if any of the following conditions are noticed; incomplete ignition, appreciable yellow tipping, carbon deposition, lifting, floating, lighting back or objectionable odour.

Do not modify this appliance; servicing must only be carried out by an authorised person. Contact: Vision Factory Pty Ltd via email support@pipeburners.com.au


Cylinders must be located in an outdoor well-ventilated area out of the reach of children. Any indoor storage shall comply with AS/NZS 1596. Ensure all connections for the Monavale PipeBurner are tight if first use. Always keep a check that there are no gas leaks (smell of gas) in equipment, hoses and all joints when in use.

Trouble shooting

Soft flame

A soft flame probably indicates an empty bottle or low temperature of bottle. To remedy use a new LPG bottle or use in a warmer environment.

Extremely noisy burning

This probably indicates the liquid phase of the propane gas. To remedy ensure that the gas bottle is standing in a vertical position.

Blowing out of flame

This probably indicates too much gas. To remedy adjust to lower the flow rate using the Main Valve or Pilot Valve in the case of lighting.

Safety tips

  • The flame is almost invisible in sunshine – mind the danger of burning.
  • Hold Monavale PipeBurner only in a safe direction – mind the danger of burning.
  • The Monavale PipeBurner pipe body can reach very high temperatures during operation – mind the danger of burning.
  • Do not leave any equipment without supervision immediately after operation – there is a danger of fire ignition or burning if the pipe is touched. Put the Monavale PipeBurner down on a non-flammable surface after use.
  • Do not smoke while using the Monavale PipeBurner.